Articles List Manager

We must add more information to article grid page. Open Model/ArticlesModel.php, add some joined table to article.

// src/Blog/Admin/Model/ArticlesModel.php

// ...

class ArticlesModel extends ListModel
    // ...

    protected function configureTables()
        $this->addTable('article', Table::ARTICLES)
            ->addTable('category', Table::CATEGORIES, ' = article.category_id');

After table joined, let's add some data in grid template.

<!-- src/Blog/Admin/Templates/articles/articles.blade.php -->

<!-- ... -->

<div class="grid-table table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-bordered">
            <!-- ... -->

            {{-- CATEGORY --}}
                {!! $grid->sortTitle('Category', 'article.category_id') !!}

            {{-- TITLE --}}
                {!! $grid->sortTitle('admin.article.field.title', 'article.title') !!}

            <!-- ... -->

        @foreach ($items as $i => $item)
            <!-- ... -->

                {{-- CATEGORY --}}
                    {{ $item->category_title }}

                {{-- TITLE --}}
                    <a href="{{{ $router->html('article', array('id' => $item->id)) }}}">
                        {{ $item->title }}
                    <small class="text-muted">{{ $item->alias }}</small>

            <!-- ... -->

Now Category title has been added to articles view.


Comment Grid

Also, we do same thing to comments.

// src/Blog/Admin/Model/CommentsModel.php

class CommentsModel extends ListModel
    // ...

    protected function configureTables()
        $this->addTable('comment', Table::COMMENTS)
            ->addTable('article', Table::ARTICLES, ' = comment.article_id');

    // ...

Add name, email and article_title, remove some none-necessary fields.

<!-- src/Blog/Admin/Templates/comments/comments.blade.php -->

<!-- ... -->

<table class="table table-bordered">
        {{-- CHECKBOX --}}
            {!! $grid->checkboxesToggle(array('duration' => 150)) !!}

        {{-- STATE --}}
        <th style="min-width: 90px;">
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('admin.comment.field.state', 'comment.state') !!}

        {{-- ARTICLE --}}
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('Article', 'article.title') !!}

        {{-- NAME --}}
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('Name', '') !!}

        {{-- EMAIL --}}
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('Email', '') !!}

        {{-- ORDERING --}}
        <th width="5%" class="nowrap">
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('admin.comment.field,.ordering', 'comment.ordering') !!} {!! $grid->saveorderButton() !!}

        {{-- CREATED --}}
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('admin.comment.field.created', 'comment.created') !!}

        {{-- ID --}}
            {!! $grid->sortTitle('', '') !!}

    @foreach ($items as $i => $item)
        $grid->setItem($item, $i);
            <!-- ... -->

            {{-- ARTICLE --}}
                {!! $grid->foreignLink($item->article_title, $router->html('article', array('id' => $item->article_id))) !!}

            {{-- NAME --}}
                <a href="{{ $router->html('comment', array('id' => $item->id)) }}">
                    {{ $item->name }}

            {{-- EMAIL --}}
                <a href="{{ $router->html('comment', array('id' => $item->id)) }}">
                    {{ $item->email }}

            {{-- ORDERING --}}
                {!! $grid->orderButton() !!}

            <!-- ... -->

The result will be:


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